How to Add Links in WordPress Posts


To create a link, you need to click on the Link button. It will bring up a popup window, in the URL field, you will enter the actual hyperlink, and in the link text field, you will add the text that will be linked. You also have the option to check the box next to ‘Open link in a new tab’ option. This will open the link in a new browser tab. It’s recommended that you use this option if you are linking to an external site.

WordPress also allows you to quickly link to posts and pages that you have published on your own website by using the content search feature.

Simply click on ‘Or link to existing content’ option and WordPress will show you recent content and a search field.

You can search for a post or scroll down to find it from the list. You need to click on the post title to select it and then click on Add or Update Link button.

If you need further assistance or have questions on any of the information presented here, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Success Team HERE.