Claim Google Business Listing If You Didn’t Receive Your Postcard

We have heard that sometimes customers never receive their Google Places validation postcard from Google. This postcard is what you need in order for Google to validate that you are a legitimate business with an office that can receive mail.

However, whenever this postcard doesn’t make it to your office, here is another way to validate:

First, visit this Google Help article.

Next, in the top right corner click on “Fix Issue” > “Verification” > “I requested my postcard more than 14 days ago”

Lastly, follow the on-screen instructions to validate your business. This will include taking pictures of your office (inside and out) in order to prove that you are a real business.

Here is a short video:

If you need further assistance or have questions on any of the information presented here, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Success Team HERE.